GTAV A NewGTAgame!

Story Idea 20110730 Chase Point Drinks Warehouse

Story idea - do you like this?

Where am I?
I'm up at Chase Point, off-loading a new Sprunk drinks shipment into my drinks-warehouse. Its a new business, so I can only buy from another drinks warehouse. It costs more wholesale, but then you have to start somewhere!

Picture of. Niko arrives late. The drivers are waiting, on pay, to deliver orders.

Once I have built up my business, earning more money, I can afford to buy in a bigger shipment direct from the manufacturer. But it would fill this warehouse and all my vans in one go. Maybe I could store some illegally, in the back of Stevies garage, fill Roman's spare room and my apartment. It would be worth it!

Picture of. Niko outside his small office, inside his Chase Point Drinks Warehouse.

I don't know where I will store those Cuban Cigars that are illegal imports, due to arrive on Friday. I had planned to hide them in-between the stock here. If I put the cigar boxes into drinks boxes, those lazy warehouse customs and excise inspectors won't want to dig to the back and open every box. 

I've just got to keep the other staff from taking them by mistake, or worse, finding them and selling them on the black market as I have planned for them. They are lined up for a guy I know a the Honkers Strip Club. 

He will sell them to all those fat business-men, cheating on their wives. If they don't take a box, their wives get a photo in the mail. A nice easy way to make money, if you ask me! That's something for me later!

Picture of. Niko looks over his stock at his Chase Point Drinks Warehouse.

I really need to employ a yard-man / warehouse-man, it will save me having to be here from the crack of dawn to the close of business each day. Trouble is, who to trust. Which driver deserves a promotion to an easier job with more pay and responsibility? I will have to take each out, one by one and test them in difficult and stressful situations.

Perhaps the Cuban Cigar pickup job? If they grumble and moan about getting caught, I know they won't be worth a wet wank. I may even have to clip the guy, that would just break my heart! Because I hate digging graves in the middle of the night, out on some building site or at the side of the highway. I'm due a fishing trip, so the guy might get some new concrete shoes to go swimming with!

Until then, I will just have to have the drivers wait outside for my return between deliveries and jobs that take me away from the premises. I will have to get someone soon though, I'm getting bored sitting around here all day, waiting on drivers. But, at least it gives me a chance to phone and intimidate, (err, I mean, err, develop new, err, business).

Picture of. Niko says, One day this warehouse could be full of high class booze!

Another Day, Another Dollar!
Later, I have van deliveries to make myself and to organize and check on my other workers deliveries for the next day. They should take care of them themselves from then on and the money will continue to roll in, until something goes wrong and needs my attention again.

Picture Of. Room for expansion, just have to convince the owners to sell it!

There is a hidden drugs shipment in one of the boxes that needs my, (sniff), special attention, (sniff), if you know what I mean! If L.J. does not come and collect this soon, I will have to take it to him my-self, it could easily give the game away, not being wrapped properly.

This is a game world, fictional action taking place in my mind!

Have a nice day!

As Niko walks off.
(Sniff, whats that smell, there is no-smoking in here, get on with your deliveries, if this stuff is not delivered before lunch don't bother coming back tomorrow)!

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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.

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