GTAV A NewGTAgame!

People Love To Play Cars

Yo Rock Star, dis iz Niko!
Hey RockStarGames, people love to 'play-cars', give us car parks, transport cargo and passengers jobs.

GTA SA was the better game for all of its side missions.

People love to 'play-cars' is about our natural desire to play, sometimes 'imaginary-games' just like we did when we were kids. I love to collect cars and do pretend jobs etc.

Wouldn't this be great if RockStarGames would actually give us real businesses to work in, based around working for a living, earning money and later running and owning our own businesses?

Do you like to play imaginary games in GTA4 or any of the older GTA games. Please write in and tell me about your games ideas.

Have a great day!

TAGS: People Love To Play Cars,

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