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E3 Show on xBox Live June 10th

As it happens. I am sat at home typing away on my blog here. This post is being updated on the fly, so refresh if you are seeing this now, during the show. Excuse Spollink mistaykes..

E3 Shows.
E3 Monday 10th June -  You are here!
Goto E3 Tuesday 11th June -
Goto E3 Wednesday 12th June -
Goto E3 Thursday 13th June -
Goto E3 Friday 14th June -

E3 Show Reports.  from our sister site www.NewGTAgame.INFO

TODAY JUNE 12th, I WILL BE REPORTING ON THE E3 Show  (if there is any new news)! What I mean by that, is that, there's no point in going over a game release you already know about, (unless they tell us something new)!

I am reporting from our sister site www.NewGTAgame.INFO until I get down to a brief - for a post here. 

I mainly write about my ideas for a new GTA style of game here on this blog. It's not GTA as you know it, but there is a 50% element of crime and 50% element of going straight in each business idea. 

Basing ideas 'on' and 'in' the GTA4 game world and characters initially, helps me to get my point across and paint the picture for you without going into a massive setting and scene description. (So now you know)! 

 Niko Bellic - GTA4 -SOUNDBOARD - Click Here!
(It was used, in the Niko Calls posts, (not by me), look down the posts lists in the side bar)!   

Watch the trailers on your game system and see the video shows from yesterday, below on this page.


These are my written notes as I sit and watch the E3 show.
Starting at UK time 5.30pm BST Monday 10th.

All info here is to be taken lightly, I am just typing as fast as I can whilst watching the E3 Show.



  1. Microsoft changes Xbox One policies after outcry! xBox-One is not always-on and you can play and lend out games!

Gold Membership
The Gold Membership for new and existing members will carry over to xBox One!

A new xBox 360 announced.
There is a new xBox 360 announced. Slimmer, Smaller, better.
Gold Account  Members Get two FREE games to download.
Halo 3 (I think he said, I was too excited, I forgot to keep my ears open), and
Assissins Creed 2.

RYSE - Son of Rome.
Just watching the trailer for a new game RYSE - Son of Rome. A Roman battling game. WOW!
On xBox One - Exclusively on xBox One. No PC or PS4 versions!

Killer Instinct 
Just watching the trailer for Killer Instinct - Returning to the xBox One.

Sunset Overdrive.
Ted Price from Insomniac introduces - the next game Sunset Overdrive.
An open world game in the cloud.
A very colorful trailer with our protagonist leaping about parkor style and fighting mutant zombie like creatures.

MacLaren Racing - Forza Motorsport 5.

We are watching a game image from Forza 5 that is almost indistinguishable from the real image, I would not have guessed this was game footage. Can things get any better than this.

In the cloud you have a DriverTAR like an Avatar, it is you, but the AI version of you and races in the cloud against the world, whilst you are at work or at school.

Phil Harrison from xBox -  talks about indie games developers and xBox One.
He says they are seeking out games developers to develop games exclusively for xBox One.

The biggest game ever, Minecraft is coming to xBox One over 1 million hours played.

Quantum Break 
Sam Lake - introduces a new game Quantum Break. Exclusive to xBox One.
It is a game about a TV show, (I don't understand it yet).

Quantum Break is about a guy who survived a failed time experiment that has somehow frozen time.
He starts by saving a young woman caught in an explosion, but semi-frozen in the explosion..

A new game D4 another new game - looks very much like the Walking Dead episodes game.
Project Spark.
Dave MaCarthy from xBox talks about their new project, called Project Spark, a voice controlled games design interface, that also uses smart-glass. They start by designing a game world with water, mountains and a village. It takes designing and building a game to a whole new level. Instant game design and creation.

You really have to see this - I will try to find a video later, words just won't do this justice.

xBox Points are HISTORY! 
- Currency in your local $ £ Euro are now going to be displayed.
Great - xBox Live is moving to displaying currency in your local real current currency and exchange rate.

xBox live is dropping the dreaded xBox points system. I was really sick of that, not knowing what you were paying for stuff. Obviously I was not alone!

Dead Rising 3.
The ultimate Zombie game - Dead Rising 3.

The game loos awesome. Starts at three days after an apocalyptic zombie uprising. A guy is trying to find his wife. Trying to get to the city centre before night-fall. Everything and anything can make an effective weapon.

Zombies are attracted to your every move, but there are multiple ways to distract them so that you can make your escape.

Witcher3 - Wild Hunt.
- a vast voice controlled open game world, The last part of the legend - Open game-world.

Battlefield 4
EA games -  Frostbite 3 presents - a new Battlefield 4.
Land - Sea and Air Battlefield game.
Map packs Second Assault coming to xBox One first.


Superbrothers - a new game, I did not catch it all.

Black Tusk a new game developer team, is developing new games for the xBox One.
Showing off one of the games they are making, looks very Metal Gear like.
Another game in development for xBox One No titles on the screen, looks like the start of a new HALO game - it is yes.

Bonnie Ross from 343 industries introduces the new Halo game.

xBox One Prices Announced.
£429 uk  (I think they said).
Out in November

New game from respaw games developer..
A futuristic battlefield game

Electronic Arts E3 2013 Press Conference.

The reshaped publisher will showcase its games set for release in 2013, as well as reveal future projects.

Ubisoft E3 2013 Press Conference.

Buoyant publisher to reveal new information on existing next-gen projects, with the possibility of making at least two major new game announcements.

Sony E3 2013 Press Conference.

Showtime for the PlayStation 4 and Vita manufacturer. Expect new game announcements for PS3, Vita and PS4, and essential next-gen details.

Have a great day!

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TAGS: E3 Show on xBox Live June 10th

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